Советская историческая энциклопедия


(Bishop), Карл Уайтинг (р. 1881) — амер. ученый, специалист по ист. географии и древнейшей истории материальной культуры Д. Востока.


Соч.: The Neolithic age in northern China, в сб.: Antiquity, a quarterly review of archaeology, v. 7, No 28, 1933; The historical geography of early Japan, в сб.: Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution 1925,Washington, 1926; The rise of civilisation in China with reference to its geographical aspects, "Geographical Review", 1932, v. 22, No 4; Origin of the Far-Eastern civilisations: a brief Landbook, Washington, 1942/

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