Советская историческая энциклопедия


(Stein), Аурел (26.XI.1862 — 26.Х.1943) — англ. археолог-ориенталист и географ, венгр по происхождению. Исследования вел на п-ове Индостан, в Афганистане, Иране, Вост. Китае, Ираке и др. странах Востока.


Соч.: Sand-buried ruins of Khotan, L., 1903; Ancient Khotan, v. 1-2, Oxf., 1907; Ruins of desert Cathay, v. 1-2, L., 1912; Serindia, v. 1-5, Oxf., 1921; Innermost Asia, v. 1-3, Oxf., 1928; On Alexander's track to the Indus, L., 1929; An archaeological tour in Gedrosia, Galc., 1931; On ancient Central-Asian tracks, N. Y., 1964; Archaeological reconnaissances in North-Western India and South-Eastern Iran, L., 1937; Old routes of Western Iran, L., 1940; Kalhana's Rajatarangini, a chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, v. 1-2, Westminster, 1900 (ed.).,

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