Англо-русский словарь по экономике


1) форма

2) установленный образец; бланк; формуляр; анкета

3) утверждать; образовывать; основывать (напр. фирму)

- in form and fact

- in bearer form

- in due form of law

- form of address

- form of collateral

- form of organization

- form of payment

- accidental form of value

- accounting forms

- alienated form of commodity

- application form

- blank form

- canonical form

- Census of Manufactures' long form

- census report form

- check form

- commodity form

- converted form of value

- documentary bill lodgment form

- elementary form of value

- equivalent form of commodity

- equivalent form of value

- expanded form of value

- extensive form

- general form of value

- general short form

- giro inpayment form

- household record form

- immediate social form of labor

- inquiry form

- legal form of organization

- legal form of ownership

- modified form of surplus value

- money form of value

- natural form of commodity

- nonprice forms of competition

- normal form

- observation form

- order form

- plant-record-unit form

- precanvass form

- preprinted order form

- printed order form

- proposal form for insurance

- reduced form

- relative form of value

- report form

- requisition form

- return-to-stock form

- simple commodity form

- skeleton form

- special forms of trading

- statutory form

- stock forms

- stock-order form

- stock transfer form

- store-room requisition form

- subscription form

- table form

- tabular form

- tax form

- umbrella form of price leadership

- universal equivalent form of value

- value form of commodity

- vertical form of balance sheet

- wage form

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